Building Work Culture
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Self-Leadership Sessions
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Erupt with

A journey of self-exploration from Core values to Cultural Alignment

Chaos to Consciousness

For Multi-dimensional Growth in work-life. To be in High Spirits and still be grounded!!! Yes, it is possible

Lead from

Craft your Brand Story


HASOVAN as a brand stands for Multidimensional Biz Growth. There is a deep interconnection between personal Growth and Business growth for a business owner.

Welcome to Dream100biz Show, the ultimate podcast where passionate business owners come together to share their inspiring journeys, innovative products, and exceptional services. In each episode, we dive deep into the heart of entrepreneurship, exploring the unique stories behind successful businesses.

On Demand Online Courses

Cultivating Growth Mindset

Our Services

Building Work Culture

Your employee’s efficiency increases when they feel belonged to their work culture

Business Podcasting

Stories and Steps on how to imply the work culture in your corporate setting

Self Leadership Session

You can lead many tomorrow if you lead yourself today. Join us and find the leader inside you.

Your Work-Life Integration
Just Became Effortless
With Hasovan
An Initiative
By Savitha Hosamane

HASOVAN is a platform to provide growing businesses and individuals with a positive working culture which makes them grow. Employees tend to be more authentic in their performance when they are driven by values.

Savitha Hosamane, is the mind and soul behind HASOVAN. Her impactful words and proven techniques help you build a culture which induces creativity and connection amongst your peers organising your goals and business goals in a mime.

Our Happy Clients



Master the art of effective networking and watch your business connections transform into valuable opportunities in our latest post on business development


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